18.10.2019 | Mia Bengtström, Senior Advisor, Pharma Industry Finland
3rd Nordic Conference on Pediatric Medicines - promoting pediatric research through collaboration and new ideas
During the conference we discussed the EU Pediatric Regulation (EC 1901/2006) and the ways to improve the health of the children in Europe by increasing the research and authorization of medicines for children and improving the information on medicines designed for children.
3rd Nordic Conference on Pediatric Medicines 8-9 October 2019 gathered 94 participants to Helsinki: 70 % from the Nordic countries and in addition participants from 9 other countries. 40 % represented pharma industry, 30 % academic researchers and 30 % authorities, patients and other relevant stakeholders. Many new ideas were presented and networking was intense.
A warm thank you to all brilliant speakers and to the active audience! Thank you to our sponsors and to our FinPedMed friends for organizing the event.
The feedback has been so positive that we might invite you to the next conference in May 2021, meanwhile, let’s promote pediatric research through continuous collaboration and new ideas.
The excellent presentations can be found below.
What has the Regulation achieved and what can we do to strengthen the system and optimize outcomes for children? Fabio D´Atri, Policy Officer, EU Commission
Pharma Industry point of view. Esteban Herrero-Martinez, Director Regulatory Policy and Intelligence, AbbVie
Clinician’s point of view. Risto Lapatto, Specialist, Paediatric metabolic diseases, Helsinki University Hospital
When does the normal development of adolescents end? Helena Fonseca, Associate Professor with Habilitation in Pediatrics, Faculty of Medicine, University of Lisbon, PDCO member (EMA)
Is it feasible to include pediatric subpopulations in adult studies – and adult subpopulations in pediatric studies? Pharma Industry point of view. Christina Bucci-Rechtweg, Head, Pediatric & Maternal Health, Policy Global Drug Development Regulatory Affairs, Novartis Pharmaceuticals Corporation, US
Nordic Trial Alliance/NordForsk initiatives. Ole Alexander Opdalshei, Assisting General Secretary at the Norwegian Cancer Society
IMI C4C - General introduction. Katharine Cheng, Senior Director, Paediatric Drug Development Child Health Innovation Leadership Department (CHILD), Johnson&Johnson, UK
IMI C4C – NatHubs and networks. Jaana Kallio, Specialist Paediatric clinical Trials, Helsinki University Hospital
Managing paediatric clinical trials to meet the needs of the patient population within the Scottish National Health Service. Pamela Dicks, Network Manager, ScotCR, NHS NRS Children’s Research Network, Royal Aberdeen Children’s Hospital, Scotland
NOPHO -Past, present and future. Virve Pentikäinen, consultant in pediatric hematology – oncology Helsinki University Hospital, NOPHO
NORDICPEDMED -update. Pirkko Lepola, Executive Secretary, FinPedMed, Helsinki University Hospital
eYPAGnet. Jennifer Preston, Senior Patient and Public Involvement Manager, University of Liverpool, NIHR Alder Hey Clinical Research Facility, UK
Finnish YPAG. Minna Lehtola, Paediatric Clinical Research Coordinator, Helsinki University Hospital
Biobanks in Finland and possibilities for pediatric research. Lila Kallio, Director, Auria Biobank Turku, Finland
EU STARS project aims to improve training of academia in regulatory sciences. Marko Kallio, Research Coordinator, Finnish Medicines Agency, Turku, Finland
What do c4c academic proof of viability studies bring to our Paediatric Clinical Research National Network? Régis Hankard, French Paediatric Clinical Research National Network (Inserm-PEDSTART)
Rational age classification for inclusion of developmental subgroups in paediatric studies – Introduction. Kalle Hoppu, MD, PhD, Children’s Hospital, Helsinki University Hospital and FINPEDMED