Health through innovation
Always when a new medicine is being developed, the objective is to provide health to people: cure diseases, treat symptoms or prevent illness.
Pharmaceutical development starts in a laboratory every time and each medicine is an innovation and an outcome of long development work.
Indeed, medicine has revolutionised healthcare, and new breakthroughs are obtained on a continual basis. A growing number of diseases previously thought to be incurable are today being treated; for example, many cancers, such as leukaemia and breast cancer, or even HIV.
Medicines bring wellbeing to people, adding to quality and years to their lives. An increasing number of patients with MS or rheumatoid arthritis are able to work and retain their functional capacity for years.
However, medicine does not develop on its own. Persistent work in basic research is needed, together with close cooperation between the world of research, the academia and industry.
The inputs made by the pharmaceutical industry are vital for the development of medicine.
Science offers hope to those who do not yet have it. Some of the patients can become research patients and get the most recent and effective medication. This is of vital importance since many cancer patients, among others, cannot afford waiting for years.